52 research outputs found

    Generation of neutralizing antibodies against botulinum neurotoxin serotype A

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    Botulismus ist eine akute, lebensbedrohliche Erkrankung, ausgelöst durch eine Intoxikation mit Botulinum Neurotoxine (BoNTs), welche von Clostridium botulinum und weiteren Clostridium spp. sekretiert werden. Bisher sind 8 Serotypen (A-H) von BoNT bekannt, von denen Serotyp A, B, E und in seltenen FĂ€llen Serotyp F fĂŒr den humanen Botulismus verantwortlich sind. Aufgrund ihrer ToxizitĂ€t wurden BoNTs vom Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) als potenzielle Biowaffen der Kategorie A klassifiziert. BoNT/A gilt als die giftigste Substanz mit einem LD50 Wert (Letale Dosis) von 1 ng/kg intravenöser und subkutaner Applikation bzw. 3 ng/kg pulmonaler Applikation. Bisherige TherapieansĂ€tze beruhen auf einer passiven Immunisierung mit Pferdeantiserum bzw. im Fall von SĂ€uglingsbotulismus mit dem humanen AntikörperprĂ€parat BabyBig. Allerdings sind die VorrĂ€te des HumanprĂ€parates limitiert und die Verwendung von Pferdeantiserum birgt das Risiko einer HypersensitivitĂ€tsreaktion. In dieser Arbeit wird die Generierung neutralisierender Antikörper gegen BoNT/A1 beschrieben. Ausgangspunkt war die Immunisierung eines Makaken mit der leichten Kette von BoNT/A1 und die Generierung einer Antikörpergenbibliothek zur Selektion von BoNT/A1 spezifischer Antikörper mittels der Phagen Display Technologie. Der Antikörper mit der besten Toxin-Neutralisation wurde mittels Germlinization humanisiert. Insgesamt wurden 22 Antikörper selektiert, von denen 7 die ToxizitĂ€t von BoNT/A1 in ex vivo neutralisierten. Die beste Neutralisation wurde fĂŒr SEM120‑IIIC1 beschrieben. Durch die Humanisierung von SEM120-IIIC1 wurde der Germinality Index (GI) von insgesamt 87,2 % auf 94,5 % gesteigert. Die Antigenbindung von SEM120-IIIC1 zu BoNT/A1 wurde durch die Humanisierung nicht beeintrĂ€chtigt. Die AffinitĂ€t von SEM120-IIIC1 betrug als scFv-Fc 0,82 nM. Die humanisierte Variante hu8SEM120-IIIC1 besaß eine AffinitĂ€t von 1,41 nM. Des Weiteren war hu8SEM120-IIIC1 als IgG (1 ”g/Dosis) im in vivo Paralyse Assay mit BoNT/A1 (0,4LD50) protektiv. Zusammen mit hu8A1Hc38 stellte sich ein Synergieeffekt ein, bei dem beide Antikörper bei einer Konzentration von 0,25 ”g/Dosis die ToxizitĂ€t von BoNT/A1 vollstĂ€ndig neutralisierten. Dieser Synergieeffekt wurde im in vivo Maus LetalitĂ€ts Assay bestĂ€tigt, bei dem sĂ€mtliche Versuchstiere eine Intoxikation von BoNT/A1 (5MLD50) bei einer Antikörperkonzentration von 2,5 ”g/Maus ĂŒberlebten.Botulism is a life-threatening disease caused by an intoxication of several Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) that are secreted by Clostridium botulinum and certain other Clostridium spp.. To date, there are 8 serologically distinct serotypes (designated A to H) of BoNT known. Four BoNT serotypes (A, B, E and rarely F) are mainly responsible for human botulism. Due to the high toxicity BoNTs are classified as category A agents by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and are among of the six agents with the highest risk of potential use as bioweapons. BoNT/A is the most toxic substance on earth with LD50 values (lethal dose) of 1 ng/kg by the intravenous and subcutaneous routes and 3 ng/kg by the pulmonary route. The current approach for the treatment of botulism is based on passive immunization with equine anti-toxin serum or in case of infant botulism with human anti-botulism immunoglobulines, such as BabyBig. Nevertheless, the use of equine anti-toxin serum may cause hypersensitivity and serumsickness and the human serum stock of BabyBig is limited. In this study, the development of neutralizing antibodies against BoNT/A1 is described. Therefor, a male macaque was immunized with BoNT/A1 (light chain). Afterwords, an immune phage display library was constructed and used for selection of BoNT/A1 specific antibodies. After multi-step panning 22 scFv were selected. Seven antibodies were neutralizing in ex vivo. SEM120-IIIC1 was the most promising candidate for further development and was used for humanization. The human-like nature of this antibody, given by the germinality index (GI), was increased by germlinization from 87.2 % up to 94.5 %. It was shown that the affinity of SEM120-IIIC1 was not significant changed by humanization. The affinity of the macaque antibody as scFv-Fc was 0.82 nM and correlates with the affinity of the humanized antibody hu8SEM120-IIIC1 (1.41 nM). Furthermore, hu8SEM120-IIIC1 was partial protective in vivo (0.4LD50 BoNT/A1) as IgG at 1 ”g/dose and a synergistic effect was observed in combination with hu8A1Hc38. Both antibodies are completely protective in vivo against BoNT/A1 at 0.25 ”g/dose per antibody. The synergistic effect was clarified using the in vivo mouse lethality assay. Here, all animals treated with BoNT/A1 (5MLD50) survived after medication with 2,5 ”g/mouse of hu8SEM120-IIIC1 and hu8A1Hc38

    Sömmerung von Karpfenteichen: Erprobung von Möglichkeiten zur Sömmerung von Karpfenteichen unter BerĂŒcksichtigung förderrechtlicher und naturschutzfachlicher Aspekte

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    Im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes „Sömmerung von Teichen“ wurden Möglichkeiten geprĂŒft zur WiedereinfĂŒhrung der Sömmerung mit Feldfruchtanbau auf TeilflĂ€chen des Teiches unter den heutigen ökonomischen Rahmenbedingungen. Diese Schriftenreihe informiert ĂŒber die Ergebnisse der PrĂŒfung. Die Sömmerung ist eine Form der Teichbewirtschaftung, mit der auf den sommerlichen Wassermangel reagiert und ein Beitrag zur FischkrankheitsbekĂ€mpfung geleistet werden kann. Auf tragfĂ€higen Böden können Nutzpflanzen angebaut werden. Bei ungĂŒnstigen BodenverhĂ€ltnissen hat der Anbau von BlĂŒhmischungen oder das Zulassen von BrachflĂ€chen auf Teilen des Teichbodens gĂŒnstige Effekte auf die BiodiversitĂ€t, insbesondere den Insektenschutz und die Entwicklung von seltenen Pionierpflanzengesellschaften. Die Veröffentlichung richtet sich an Teichwirte, Vertreter von Fachbehörden, des Naturschutzes und die breite Öffentlichkeit. Redaktionsschluss: 28.02.202

    Sömmerung von Karpfenteichen - Teil 2: Erprobung von Möglichkeiten zur Sömmerung von Karpfenteichen unter BerĂŒcksichtigung förderrechtlicher und naturschutzfachlicher Aspekte

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    Die Sömmerung von Karpfenteichen war lange Zeit fester Bestandteil der Karpfenteichwirtschaft. Im Zusammenhang mit sinkenden Wasserdargeboten rĂŒckt die Sömmerung erneut in den Blick. Der Bericht beschreibt die Ergebnisse von Versuchen zur Teichsömmerung. Er richtet sich an alle interessierte Teichwirte. Die Sömmerung kann heute aus hydrologischen, betriebswirtschaftlichen oder seuchenbiologischen GrĂŒnden durchaus wieder sinnvoll sein. Durch die Sömmerung von Karpfenteichen entstehen als Nebeneffekt naturschutzfachlich hochwertigste Habitate. Auf SömmerungsflĂ€chen entwickelt sich eine besonders schĂŒtzenswerter Flora und Fauna. Das Heft ergĂ€nzt die Schriftenreihe des LfULG, Heft 8/2021, „Sömmerung von Karpfenteichen“. Redaktionsschluss: 30.11.202

    Human-Like Neutralizing Antibodies Protect Mice from Aerosol Exposure with Western Equine Encephalitis Virus

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    Western equine encephalitis virus (WEEV) causes symptoms in humans ranging from mild febrile illness to life-threatening encephalitis, and no human medical countermeasures are licensed. A previous study demonstrated that immune serum from vaccinated mice protected against lethal WEEV infection, suggesting the utility of antibodies for pre- and post-exposure treatment. Here, three neutralizing and one binding human-like monoclonal antibodies were evaluated against WEEV aerosol challenge. Dose-dependent protection was observed with two antibodies administered individually, ToR69-3A2 and ToR68-2C3. In vitro neutralization was not a critical factor for protection in this murine model, as ToR69-3A2 is a strong neutralizing antibody, and ToR68-2C3 is a non-neutralizing antibody. This result highlights the importance of both neutralizing and non-neutralizing antibodies in the protection of mice from WEEV lethality

    The European AntibotABE Framework Program and Its Update: Development of Innovative Botulinum Antibodies

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    The goal of the AntiBotABE Program was the development of recombinant antibodies that neutralize botulinum neurotoxins (BoNT) A, B and E. These serotypes are lethal and responsible for most human botulinum cases. To improve therapeutic efficacy, the heavy and light chains (HC and LC) of the three BoNT serotypes were targeted to achieve a synergistic effect (oligoclonal antibodies). For antibody isolation, macaques were immunized with the recombinant and non-toxic BoNT/A, B or E, HC or LC, followed by the generation of immune phage-display libraries. Antibodies were selected from these libraries against the holotoxin and further analyzed in in vitro and ex vivo assays. For each library, the best ex vivo neutralizing antibody fragments were germline-humanized and expressed as immunoglobulin G (IgGs). The IgGs were tested in vivo, in a standardized model of protection, and challenged with toxins obtained from collections of Clostridium strains. Protective antibody combinations against BoNT/A and BoNT/B were evidenced and for BoNT/E, the anti-LC antibody alone was found highly protective. The combination of these five antibodies as an oligoclonal antibody cocktail can be clinically and regulatorily developed while their high “humanness” predicts a high tolerance in humans.Peer reviewe

    Neutralization of Botulinum Neurotoxin Type E by a Humanized Antibody

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    Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) cause botulism and are the deadliest naturally-occurring substances known to humans. BoNTs have been classified as one of the category A agents by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, indicating their potential use as bioweapons. To counter bio-threat and naturally-occurring botulism cases, well-tolerated antibodies by humans that neutralize BoNTs are relevant. In our previous work, we showed the neutralizing potential of macaque (Macaca fascicularis)-derived scFv-Fc (scFv-Fc ELC18) by in vitro endopeptidase immunoassay and ex vivo mouse phrenic nerve-hemidiaphragm assay by targeting the light chain of the botulinum neurotoxin type E (BoNT/E). In the present study, we germline-humanized scFv-Fc ELC18 into a full IgG hu8ELC18 to increase its immunotolerance by humans. We demonstrated the protection and prophylaxis capacity of hu8ELC18 against BoNT/E in a mouse model. A concentration of 2.5 ng/mouse of hu8ELC18 protected against 5 mouse lethal dose (MLD) in a mouse protection assay and complete neutralization of 1 LD50 of pure BoNT/E toxin was achieved with 8 ng of hu8ELC18 in mouse paralysis assay. Furthermore, hu8ELC18 protected mice from 5 MLD if injected up to 14 days prior to intraperitoneal BoNT/E administration. This newly-developed humanized IgG is expected to have high tolerance in humans.Peer reviewe

    Development of Human-Like scFv-Fc Neutralizing Botulinum Neurotoxin E

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    Background Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) are considered to be the most toxic substances known on earth and are responsible for human botulism, a life-threatening disease characterized by flaccid muscle paralysis that occurs naturally by food-poisoning or colonization of the gastrointestinal tract by BoNT-producing clostridia. BoNTs have been classified as category A agent by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and are listed among the six agents with the highest risk to be used as bioweapons. Neutralizing antibodies are required for the development of effective anti-botulism therapies to deal with the potential risk of exposure. Results In this study, a macaque (Macaca fascicularis) was immunized with recombinant light chain of BoNT/E3 and an immune phage display library was constructed. After a multi-step panning, several antibody fragments (scFv, single chain fragment variable) with nanomolar affinities were isolated, that inhibited the endopeptidase activity of pure BoNT/E3 in vitro by targeting its light chain. Furthermore, three scFv were confirmed to neutralize BoNT/E3 induced paralysis in an ex vivo mouse phrenic nerve-hemidiaphragm assay. The most effective neutralization (20LD50/mL, BoNT/E3) was observed with scFv ELC18, with a minimum neutralizing concentration at 0.3 nM. Furthermore, ELC18 was highly effective in vivo when administered as an scFv-Fc construct. Complete protection of 1LD50 BoNT/E3 was observed with 1.6 ng/dose in the mouse flaccid paralysis assay. Conclusion These scFv-Fcs antibodies are the first recombinant antibodies neutralizing BoNT/E by targeting its light chain. The human-like nature of the isolated antibodies is predicting a good tolerance for further clinical development.Peer reviewe
